for all the women who are mothers,
and have mothers.
and those that dont.
for all the women who carried a child for a time in their wombs, whether that time be a few days, weeks or many months.
for all the women who wanted with all their hearts to carry a child, and never got that wish.
for all the women who have loved unconditionally a child of their womb.
for all the women who have loved unconditionally a child of another woman's womb.
for all the women who gave up the child they carried for a better life for that child.
for all the women who have lost a child, and think about them still.
for all the women who care, and love, and mother their neices, nephews, godchildren, friend's children as if they were their own.
for all the women who had the best mothers.
and for all the women who didnt.
for all the women who lived up to all their mothers wished for them.
and for all the women who live good and happy lives inspite of not having those wishes wished for them.
for all the women who looked at their new born babies, and were amazed that they themselves MADE this child.
and for all the mothers who look at their 15 year olds, and wonder where they came from.
for the mothers of boys,
and the mothers of girls.
for those mothers who are awake at 2.30am, holding a crying baby who will not settle, tears rolling down their cheeks as they wish and pray for the sun to come up , so they know they have both survived another night.
for those who dont survive.
for all the women who do it by themselves, without support.
and for all those women (and men!) who choose to support another.
for all those women who know the feeling of full and leaden breasts, that leak at the sound of a baby's cry, even if their baby is in another suburb.
for all those women who bottlefed
and for those women who still feel their breast tingle when a baby cries, even though their "babies" are now in high school.
for all those women who look back and remember, s/he would have been 21 today.
and for all those women who make a rousing and full hearted 21st brithday speech for their kids. for those women who work. at home and in the work force.
for all those women who try their best.
for those women who are mothers, but never see their children.
and for those mothers who tuck their kids in each and every night.
for all the mothers who fight with all that they have, and all that they are, to be there for and with their family.
and those who lose the battle.
for all the mothers who will receive lavish gifts, and get taken out for breakfast.
for those that receive luke warm tea, and burnt toast.
and for those who are not remembered as they should be.
for those mothers whose every breath is focused on finding food, safety and shelter for her children and herself.
and for those who will (thankfully) never know that terror.
for all those mothers who are horrifed by the last tattoo, piercing or haircut.
and for those who horrify their kids with same. ;)
for all those mothers just beginning their journey...
and all those who know that journey never ends...
for every woman who has ever given of herself for the betterment of a child's life, who has given praise, or time, a hug, a kiss, or a pat on the back. for any woman who has been a confidant, a keeper of trust, a cheerleader, a warrior, a mother.....
I raise my glass to you.I thank you for the investment you have made in the mothers (and fathers) of tomorrow.You do the hardest, and lowest paying, and greatest rewarding job in the world.You have my undying admiration....my applause...and my thanks.
Happy Mother's Day!

Mum & I enjoying a three course lunch for Mum's Day - Jar came too - she's behind the camera!