A duck fashion parade - pretty funny but I don't reckon it was RSPCA approved!!!
The most ridiculous chook I've ever seen!!Ned & Jarrah on the 'Wizzer' - I was sure he would cry but there was no stopping him & he loved it!!!
Ned went on this jumping castle twice and he was terrified of going down the slide (after the Wizzer go figure) so he eventually got brave enough to slide down.
Jar & Ned on the ferris wheel.
A beautiful picture Ned did of a flower in a thunderstorm for me. He was so concerned and worried - bless!!
Jar being buried!Uncle Al being buried!!
Ali & Sandra
Beach bums!!!
Bill & Barb soaking up the sun.
Sandra, Jack & Jar having a boogie board.Surfer Girl!
Ned & I in a wombat tunnel.
Ned & I on the chair swing - I found out on the second lap that I don't like spinning !
John & Al - waiting waiting!
Al & the kids
Al & John with Ned and Georgie catching a ride.
Surfers Paradise
Sandra, Al & John enjoying brekkie on the deck.
Jar & I coffeeing.
Georgie off to the beach with Nanny & Grandpa.