Happy Birthday to all............
11th Ned
17th Kelli
18th Wayne
26th Jarrah
29th Max
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
The Actual Day

Well today is the actual day and when we went in this morning he jumped up and said "well do I look 5"!!!! He took a cake to childcare to share with his friends - I bought it this time - I had a fair dose of mother guilt that he had to go to childcare for his birthday!!!!
Nanny & Pop came up to share the unwrapping of the presents and then downstairs for nibblies and a special special surprise!
Ned had to follow a string down the stairs, round the side of the house, through the gate, under the house.........

Sandra, John, Jack & Georgie - couldn't have picked a better gift - he loves it and Jarrah is patiently helping him build it as I type this.
It's Party Time
Ned had his first ever 'real' birthday party and it was a blast. We went with a pirate theme and held it up on the beach at Shoal Pt - real pirate country!!! Ned is so lucky that he has some really beautiful little friends and I am lucky that they have equally beautiful mothers for my friends!!!As you can imagine, I took serious amounts of photos so here are a few throughout the day.............................

Jar & I getting into the theme!
Beautiful happy little face.
Pass the parcel.
Jacqui & Gayna
The 'Ghostly Galleon' - man what an effort that was!!!!
Gee a big blue cake with lots of choc bits draws a crowd!
The end of the party - we buried everyones 'treasure' loot bags to take home.
The loot!!!!
Fathers Day
Poor Al had a serious dose of the flu on Fathers Day so all our plans went out the window and we had a quiet one at home. Ned made him a beautiful picture with handprints and a little saying and also a letter holder at school. Love the little things they bring home at that time of year. No Jar in the photos cause she was in her bed sick with the flu too!!!!!

Bucasia Fair
We went to the Bucasia school fair and they had this go kart track setup. Ned was finally old enough to ride on his own and he didn't want to get off!!

Pop's Patch
Dad's vege patch just keeps getting better every year - he spends heaps of time getting the soil right with lot's of organic matter and I think that's the secret. He just loves pottering around seeing how things are growing. Him with his veges and Mum with her chooks we have a couple of old hippies on our hands!!!!

Jo's horrified by the recycled bedhead climbing frame but I sort of like it and you can imagine Dad's bad "garden bed" jokes!!!!
Master Builders Ball
We were invited to the Master Builders Ball and had to get all spruced up!!! It was a great night with our table picking up two awards for best house over $350,000 and best commercial building for the community centre. A group effort but I reckon the judges were won over by the paint job!!!!

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