Yesterday arvo Jar took Ned to the beach to meet a boy (just a friend) and when they got back this was the conversation
Me – What was Jar’s friend like?
Ned – Nice
Me – Did you talk to him?
Ned – Yeah a bit
Me – Was there any kissing? (I was joking.... sorta!)
Ned – Muuuuummmmm (yelling & starting to cry)
Me – Not you and Adrian, I meant Jarrah and Adrian..........
Ned – Oh, nah they didn’t.................
I cracked up.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Jar turns 15 !!
Jarrah is 15 - the first birthday that has rattled me a little - 15 !!! I can't believe we have been together 15 years, it goes so so quickly. It doesn't feel like it at the time ( when they are driving you insane !!) but now looking back it's flown by. She had a great birthday, we went out to lunch with Jo and Jar's friend Leticia, then a bit of a shopping spree, then she partayed all night with her friends.

Jar having her annual pavlova. Ned arranged that Jar had to sit on a bean bag in the middle and the rest of us had to hold hands dancing around her singing Happy Birthday!!! She was not that impressed!!!

Out to lunch....

Jamie & JarrahGirls being er..... girls???
Blonde is sooo yesterday........
Ned is 6 !!
Ned turned 6 on the 26th Sept & had a fantastic day, he did the pressie thing, had a beautiful cake at school with his friends, had birthday privalages at school (not exactly sure what that means but he was mega excited !!), more cake in the arvo with Nan & Pop and Aunty Joey then finished off with a few mates at our new water park.

With 2 of his most favourite pressies.

At the water park with his besties - Tyler, Riley & Saxon.

Playing in the rock pool at our new water park, it's called 'the lagoon' and has just opened a few weeks ago and it's fantastic, I can see us spending many a weekend there especially now it's hot and the stingers are back!!!

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