We went to see the Great Moscow Circus while it was in Mackay and it was fantastic. No animal acts (or we wouldn't have been there cause they are mean !!!), more like cirque du soleil with acrobats, contortionists, really good clowns, magic, women hanging from lengths of fabric and doing tricks and all sorts of other dangerous feats !!! It was really hard to take photos but I got a few before I gave up and enjoyed the show.......

Opening act....

The ringmaster - hilarious....

These Brazillian guys on this spinning thing were unbelievable. We were holding our breaths when they just free fall and land running back on the rings.

This was the grand finale, the dome of doom (it's not actually called that but I think it builds it up a bit!!) In the end the were 5 motorbikes going around - it was scary.
Caro & Jane - it could be heading your way, theres a website if you want to check it out.