Well there has been not alot of exciting things doing round here - just boring have to be done jobs and end of fin year stuff, but I have scratched up a few things that have happened;
- Ned had his school fete....

- We took Mum down to Brisbane to see French & Saunders, it was an absolute crack up!

Jo found this place that does English high tea - it was so beautiful inside, all girly and pretty!!

Yum !!
- Unapproved photo of Jar - I not meant to post any info or photos without her approval!!
- We bought a 1974 Chesney Kampa - it's so cute but needs a fair bit of work so thats another one of our weekend projects !!

- Ned went on a school excursion to the Botanic Gardens then a Chinese Resturant for lunch - I went too!!
- Ned lost two teeth - I didn't bother to put a photo on cause he already had the other two teeth ready to fill the gap. Heres a photo of the little tooth pouch I made him though...