Operation Xmas Child is my favourite charity to support at Xmas. It's all about packing a shoe box with the
6 somethings and you are able to track it all the way to it's destination and see where your goodies end up.
Our 6 somethings this year were, something to:
(we did a teddy/doll)
take to school
pens, crayons and chalks and notebooks
play with
tennis ball, puzzles, slinky, skipping rope, spinning top, card game, whistle
clean with
cake of soap, toothbrush and plastic cup
fabric envelopes for their school stuff.
Boxes packed and ready to go
and look who's finally going to Africa (or somewhere she will be needed and loved!), she missed the last package to Africa as part of the Amazonia Doll Project but finally has her chance to go!!