Our backyard is fast becoming a little urban farm. It's our third year of having a vege patch which have always produced plenty for us and stacks to give away. We also have black sapote (choc pudding fruit), avocado's, mango, custard apples and mulberry tree's - some of these are in neighbours yards and grow over onto our side but we can still pick a decent amount off them. This year we are growing three types of spuds, tomato's (grosse lisse) and some random ones that have popped up, zucchini, capsicum, sweet pea's, white dwarf beans, garlic, lettuce and I have another bed to fill yet !!
We also have our gorgeous girls who have laid everyday without fail. We have had approx 810 eggs from them since we got them - that's 67.5 dozen !!!! I have also been reading up on bee keeping and think Ned's old fort is a perfect spot for a couple of hives though I have a fair bit of convincing to do before that's going to happen!!