A great couple of days full of the usual Xmas fun - eating, drinking, playing & lots and lots of laughs. .....
Woken at 5.45am by Ned yelling out "It's Twistmas"!!! We are all looking a bit dazed & sleepy and I was very slack at taking photo's of the kids opening presents but Jo got some good ones!
Classic photo of Jarrah getting what she has thought for months was going to be a digital camera but was actually a mobile phone - the LG Chocolate - that she has been dreaming about!!

A canvas I made Jar to match her new doona set she got - you can sort of make out the doona in the background.
I am such a lucky duck! Al surprised the hell out of me with this Pandora ring (above), & a 'queen bee' charm for my Pandora bracelet! These photos are mainly for Nic cause we are crazy for Pandora!! He also got me a sewing machine that I have wanted for a while - I must have done something good this year!!!

Our feast with heaps of prawns, mangos & fresh sea scallops - YUM!!!

The end of a long day - we finished up playing Jar's new boardgame, drinking Baileys on ice & eating fruitcake!! Can't wait to do it all again next year ( in Adelaide!!).

Twas the night before Christmas & all through the house everyone was just hanging out relaxing & waiting for the big day.

Got ya Binksy!!!!

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