Jar got really great results too for first term, passed all the important subjects but failed miserably at sport - I think she gets that from me!!!!!
Jar got really great results too for first term, passed all the important subjects but failed miserably at sport - I think she gets that from me!!!!!
Me doing my bit.
Jar & Ned hammering away - our poor neighbours!!
All the side of the house done and starting into the back yard - we got about another 6 metres done more than shown in photo but my camera was dropped & now doesn't work. Not very happy about that - will get it fixed under insurance but it takes forever - am hoping they offer me a new one instead.
Look at this adorable creature.............
"Finding Ned"
Ned with some of his goodies.
The 'softies' I made the kids for Easter - they are sort of feral rabbit looking things!! Ned loves his so much - he's named it chocolate and hasn't left it alone since Easter. All morning he kept cuddling it & rubbing it on his face - I was pretty happy that I outdid the chocolate eggs he got.
Nice snap of Jar & Ned on Easter morning when she finally got up - the motel had pay tv so she sat up till the early hours watching anything & everything!!!
Ned at the markets.
Jarrah & Ned copping a bucket load!
A bucket load!!
Al picking up his tickets to the Cowboys V Tigers game at Dairy Farmers Stadium. Cowboys lost but he had a good time - didn't get home till 1.00am - he had a little stop off at the Cowboys Leagues Club to support the team!!!!!!
The little girl he is sitting next to is his "girlfriend" - his words not mine - and he is just so little next to her!!! It's a crack up when she grabs him and stands a good head above him.
When they got back to the classroom there was evidence of the Easter Bunny visiting!!There was some major screaming going on when the kids saw their Easter baskets.
Ned & his best friend Riley.
Mum made this awesome sponge for Dad & one for me too!!
I was very spoilt - especially with my birthday crab lunch & I ate the whole thing myself!!!