Ned really got into Easter this year & when we were talking about it one night he said "Jar it's not just about chocolate you know, it about jesus coming back to life so he can be our lord"!!!
We were sitting there with our mouths hanging open!!!!
His Easter parade was on Thursday, it was so cute watching all the prep kids in their crazy bonnets!!
Ned's class had a bear theme - not sure what the connection was with Easter but it was cute none the less!

The little girl he is sitting next to is his "girlfriend" - his words not mine - and he is just so little next to her!!! It's a crack up when she grabs him and stands a good head above him.

When they got back to the classroom there was evidence of the Easter Bunny visiting!!There was some major screaming going on when the kids saw their Easter baskets.
Ned & his best friend Riley.
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