Arrhh December - so busy with all the usual end of year / Xmas stuff but we also squeezed in:
a repaint of our $15 dump table (I'm going to sew a table runner for up the middle - sometime!)
Got all my goodies in the mail ready for lucky recipients!
Made a couple of pencil rolls for teachers.
Dug up our potato barrel for a disappointing five potato's
Screenprinted Star Wars inspired shirts for Xmas gifts.
Got our pressies wrapped up with Al's painting paper, string and doilies.
Pop came round to install a splitter so Jar gets tv in her room - Lachie bought her a big flat screen tv!!
Our Xmas table before it got covered in food.
Christmas Eve, technically christmas cause I didn't get to bed til 1am!
For some reason around midnight I decided it would be a good idea to take photos of my Christmas dec's - clearly I was overtired and slightly manic!! I won't bore you with them all but this little tin angel Nic gave me is still my most favourite!
We got our cement slab laid - yay!
I got this years advent calenders ready just in time.
We did rockclimbing...
and found treasure!

Ned and Al had a swim - I had a really long strapless dress on so I had to sit on the shore and watch!!!
I finally finished my first quilt - made with vintage (old!!) sheets and machine quilted in very crooked lines!! It just needs a spin in the washer and dryer to get that wrinkly old look (which would have been done but our washing machine is out of action. It gave Jar and I a few little shocks and when we googled it there is currently a recall for that reason!!)
We went to Neds Xmas carols and to see their years work in the classroom.
Riley and Ned!
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