You can't tell by the photos but this is actuall blowing up the beach in the wind.

A pretty angry looking ocean - there were some major waves happening.

You can't tell by the photos but this is actuall blowing up the beach in the wind.
A pretty angry looking ocean - there were some major waves happening.
This is our street at lunch yesterday - got knee deep for awhile there.
You can see how steep we are up off the road - would take a full biblical flood before we were affected!!!!
The end of mum & dad's street once the water subsided - the Andergrove Caravan Park & sports fields are under that water somewhere. In the peak of the floods this street was blocked by trucks to stop people driving up it as the bow wave they created was sending waves into peoples houses. As you can see this street is quite high off the road.
Mum & Dads backyard - it was so dark yesterday just to add to the eerieness of it all.