A couple more photos from yesterday & today.................

This is our street at lunch yesterday - got knee deep for awhile there.
You can see how steep we are up off the road - would take a full biblical flood before we were affected!!!!
The end of mum & dad's street once the water subsided - the Andergrove Caravan Park & sports fields are under that water somewhere. In the peak of the floods this street was blocked by trucks to stop people driving up it as the bow wave they created was sending waves into peoples houses. As you can see this street is quite high off the road.
Mum & Dads backyard - it was so dark yesterday just to add to the eerieness of it all.
We went to assess the damage at Palmview where Al paints, the house he is working on only had a bit of water go through but most of the others weren't so lucky. Al spoke to Mauri last night & he said when it started coming in the doors he went to leave & walked straight into waist deep water on the street. He had to swim out of Palmview & it took him two hours to walk/swim home - he reckons 4wd's were floating past him!! When we were out this morning we saw quite a few abandoned cars and some still on the road facing the wrong direction.

Every house we drove by had piles of wet carpet out the front all up & down the street so we are expecting lots of insurance work in the near future.

I used this photo in yesterdays post but we realised while we were out that this is Tony the Plumbers sea container that has floated from Palmview down the Gooseponds across a bridge and is resting on a walkway!! It is full of stuff & extremely heavy so you can get a picture of how fast & furious the flooding was.
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