Well as you all know we have been poured upon - Mackay was labelled as a state of emergency earlier today. We have had 625mm in 3 hours this morning and it's still raining but not as heavily. There have been reports on the radio of couches & cupboards floating down the streets, cars have floated away & there was a report of a crocodile swimming up Bridge Rd!!! We have since heard warnings of crocs being in residential streets! Mum & Dad have a dog that lives across the road who comes over to their house for a bikkie every day & today she swum across!! We have no contact with Jo or Wayne - they are completely cut off and have no phone contact, bad timing as they were meant to fly out to the Cook Islands tomorrow for 10 days. We are very lucky that we are on quite a high hill but our street got knee deep earlier today when it was just too much for the drains to cope with. We have been without power or phones for most of the day but we now have power running from one extension lead - I have stuck a double adapter in so I can blog and have the fridge running at the same time!!! I've got priorities you know!! Anyway below are some photos that I've had emailed to me.................
My girlfriend Lisa's street.
Hospital bridge under there somewhere.
Cars usually park under this tree.

Mudslide on Mackay Bucasia Road

The large section of red roofs in the middle of this picture is Palmview Village where we do 90% of our painting - apparently it is heavily flooded. One of Al's workers went there this morning to do a bit (dedicated I know!!) and had to leave his car there and walk home through the floodwaters!! I reckon there will be a few repaints there!!

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