Wednesday, May 14, 2008

School Breakup

At the end of last term we were invited for a little celebration down on the beach to celebrate the first term of school successfully finished (well that's what I was celebrating)!! Well I turned up with a water bottle, an old apple & a squished museli bar for Neds snacks and then all the gals turned up with nibblies, dips and champagne flowing - can't wait to see what they do for the end of year!!!!

Lisa, Gayna, Ny & Moi

Jacob, Tom & Ned

Linda, Gayna & I

Me & my girl

Monday, May 05, 2008

Anzac Parade

Ned was so excited about the Anzac Day parade and was counting down the sleeps until it was the big day. He wore Al's Uncle Sandy's war medals and was so proud - unfortunately he was the only one from his class that turned up and he wasnt' keen on marching with the bigger kids so we walked along the edge of the parade!!!

He really wanted me to take this photo of him saluting for Grandpa Bill !!
