Thursday, August 28, 2008

R.A.K (random act of kindness)

Last Saturday when we were doing our shopping at Woolies Ned was being super good and cute. He saw this bubble blower that was in the shape of a sword which he really wanted and when I
said no he was disappointed but fine about it and we kept doing our shopping with him chatting to me the whole way around.
When we lined up to pay, a lady came up to us and said "this might be a bit weird but I was following you and your little boy up the aisles and he is such a beautiful little soul and he was so good when you said no to the bubble blower that I would like to give him $5 to buy it".
Ned was soo happy and kept saying on the way home "that lady gave me the money cause she thinks I'm great, hey Mum". She isn't the only one sweet boy.........

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

all the little birds on Pelican St.............

Aren't these the cutest?? They are full of Lavender to hang in your cupboard & so so cute! We have been making them for Neds school fete.


Aunty Jo came for a sleep over and gave us all beautiful treatments!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Jed's new Threads

Jed is 11 now & it's starting to show. She has a few ailments including constant itching, arthiritis and a really bad smell !!! She needs to be warm all the time at the moment or she stiffens up so I got her this coat that she loves. I wanted to adjust it last night but she kept pushing my hand away in case I took it off !! Al's not real impressed - I heard him tell her to get out the back before someone saw her!!!! At least it's a drizabone - perfect for a working dog but I'm not sure what they thought she would use the pockets for!!!

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Ned's Makeover

Ned has been sleeping with us for quite a few years now. Instead of doing controlled crying we bought a king size bed and after we got sick of him kicking us all night, he was on a camp bed in our room. Well it was time for a change so we pumped him up with a room makeover and it worked!!! He has stayed the whole night in his bed for a week now. Ahhh bliss!!!

Before the makeover - I knew we were painting so I kept the door shut & let Ned do what he wanted in there.
I chose the colour 'Daiquiri Ice' & had a few doubting thomas's to how it was going to turn out but it looks bright & happy & light.

I'm sick of blu tack so Al put some screws in and we suspended picture framing wire to hang bits and pieces on with clips.