Monday, February 13, 2012

Feb Photo Challenge Week 1

 1. Your view today
having smoko on the job with Al - not the nicest view!!
2. Words
library day - plenty of new words for me
3. Hands
jar's new cute 'tangerine' nail polish that i tried out
4. A stranger
still getting postcards rolling in from strangers....
5. 10am
10am at work
6. Dinner
steak, garlic mushrooms, fried haloumi, and salad
7. Buttons
one of my bowl full of buttons sitting on my sewing table 

Thursday, February 09, 2012

walking distance to shops!!

I've been helping al on the job for the last few weeks and had to take a pic of this house before he finished up in the area.  It is so close to Woolies it's unbelievable - seriously only enough room to walk single file up the side!!
On the left is the driveway into Woolies and the backyard is literally in the car park and loading zone - it's a crack up!!!


Tuesday was so hot, crazy hot , the hottest I reckon we've ever experienced since living here.  Within  minutes, literally, this massive storm rolled in cooled us down but produced no rain!!

 on one side of the road it looked like this...
and on the other it was blue skies!
it just rolled on in so quickly

and this pic that i spammed from facebook shows it rolling in on the job site where Al is working.
Unfortunately the wind knocked down his doors and damaged them all !!!!

Friday, February 03, 2012

Love you forever...

Pinned Image
I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, As long as I'm living my baby you'll be.
This is such a sweet book that I read to both of my kids but I don't think I ever got through it without crying!!
PS - It's at Fishpond for $5.78 with free postage